Quiero contarles que estoy trabajando actualmente en muchas cosas nuevas, pero sobre todo disfrutando lo que hago, aunque soñando un equipo de trabajo. Estoy entre empacando y etiquetando, diseñando, creando estrategias, tomando fotos. Disfruto cada momento pero en este momento estoy pensando como crear un equipo adecuado de trabajo para seguir divirtiendome en lo que hago, asi ningun dia es un dia de trabajo. Cuentame como fue tu aventura?
I want to share that im working actually in so much things, but enjoying what i do, also dreaming of a dream team. You would see me packing and labeling, designing, creating strategies, taking pictures. I enjoy every moment but at this moment im thinking how to create and ideal team so i can keep having fun in what i do, so everyday feels like its no work. Tell me how was your adventure?
I want to share that im working actually in so much things, but enjoying what i do, also dreaming of a dream team. You would see me packing and labeling, designing, creating strategies, taking pictures. I enjoy every moment but at this moment im thinking how to create and ideal team so i can keep having fun in what i do, so everyday feels like its no work. Tell me how was your adventure?